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单词 chest
释义 chest[tʃest]n. 胸, 胸部, 衣柜, 箱子【医】 胸, 胸廓【经】 金库, 箱子相关词组:get something off one's chest chest  chest  AHD:  [chµst] D.J.  [t.est]K.K.  [t.Wst]n.(名词)1. The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone; the thorax.胸膛:身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部分;胸膛2. A sturdy box with a lid and often a lock, used especially for storage.箱子:专门用来贮放东西的结实的箱子,有盖且经常有锁3. A small closet or cabinet with shelves for storing supplies:柜子:有搁板用来贮入存货的小橱或陈列柜:a medicine chest above the bathroom sink.浴缸上方的医药箱4. The treasury of a public institution.金库:一个公共机构的金库5. The funds kept there.资金:金库中存有的基金6. A box for the shipping of certain goods, such as tea.箱:运输茶叶之类商品所用的箱子7. The quantity packed in such a box.一箱:这种箱子中所装商品的数量8. A sealed receptacle for liquid, gas, or steam.密封室:贮藏液体、气体或蒸气的密封容器9. A bureau; a dresser.衣橱:五斗橱;衣橱习惯用语:get (something) off (one's) chest  To vent one's pent-up feelings.发泄被压抑的感情语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English cest [box] 源自 古英语 cest [盒子] 3. from West Germanic *kist³ 源自 西日耳曼语 *kist³ 4. from Latin cista 源自 拉丁语 cista 5. from Greek kist¶ 源自 希腊语 kist¶ 继承用法:chest“ed  AHD:  [chµs“t¹d] (形容词)




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