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单词 choriamb
释义 choriamb  cho.ri.amb  AHD:  [kôr“¶-²mb”, -²m”, k½r“-] D.J.  [6k%8ri87#mb, -7#m, 6k*&r-]K.K.  [6k%ri7#mb, -7#m, 6kor-]n.(名词)1. A metrical foot consisting of a trochee followed by an iamb, much used in Greek and Latin poetry.长短短长格:由长短格音步在前、短长格随后而构成的一种有韵律的音步,多用于希腊和拉丁语的诗文中2. A foot of verse used in lyric poetry having two unstressed syllables flanked by the two rhythmic stresses marking the first and last syllables of the foot.扬抑抑扬格:一种应用于抒情诗诗体中的音步,由两个轻音节夹在两个有节奏的重音之间构成,用于表示该音步的第一个和最后一个音节语源:1. Late Latin choriambus 后期拉丁语 choriambus 2. from Greek khoriambos 源自 希腊语 khoriambos 3. khoreios [of a chorus]  from khoros [chorus] * see  chorus khoreios [合唱的]  源自 khoros [合唱队] *参见 chorus4. iambos [iamb] iambos [短长格] 继承用法:cho”riam“bic  AHD:  [-²m“b¹k] (形容词)




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