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单词 chromium
释义 chromium['krəumiəm]n. 铬【化】 铬Cr【医】 铬(24号元素) chromium  AHD:  [kr½“m¶-…m] D.J.  [6kr*&mi8*m]K.K.  [6kromi*m]n.Symbol Cr (名词)符号 Cr A lustrous, hard, steel-gray metallic element, resistant to tarnish and corrosion and found primarily in chromite. It is used as a catalyst, to harden steel alloys and produce stainless steels, in corrosion-resistant decorative platings, and as a pigment in glass. Atomic number 24; atomic weight 51.996; melting point 1,890&9{=}C; boiling point 2,482&9{=}C; specific gravity 7.18; valence 2, 3, 6.See table at element 铬:一种有光泽的、蓝灰色的坚硬金属元素。不失光泽,抗腐蚀,最早在铬铁矿中发现。用作催化剂,可加强钢合金的强度和生产不锈钢,可以做防腐镀层和玻璃制品中的颜料。原子序数24;原子量51.996;熔点1,890&9{=}C;沸点2,482&9{=}C;比重7.18;化合价2,3,6参见 element语源:From French chrome * see  chrome 源自 法语 chrome *参见 chrome




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