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单词 Churchill
释义 Churchill['tʃə:tʃil]n. 邱吉尔 Churchill 1  Chur.chill  AHD:  [chûr“ch¹l”, chûrch“h¹l”] John (First Duke of Marlborough) (1650-1722) D.J.  [6t.T87t.!l, 6t.T8t.7h!l]K.K.  [6t.P7t.!l, 6t.Pt.7h!l]NONE(无词性)English general and statesman during the reigns of James II, Anne, and George I. He is considered among history's greatest military commanders.丘吉尔,约翰:(1650-1722) 詹姆斯二世、安妮和乔治一世统治时期的英国将军和政治家。他被认为是历史上最伟大的军事指挥官之一 Churchill 2  Churchill,Mount。  NONE(无词性)A peak, 4,769.6 m (15,638 ft) high, in the Wrangell Mountains of southern Alaska.丘吉尔峰:美国阿拉斯加南部兰格尔山脉一山峰,海拔4,769.6米(15,638英尺) Churchill 3  Churchill&B{Randolph Henry Spencer} (&b{1849-1895})  NONE(无词性)British politician who led the so-called Fourth Party, a group of Conservative members of Parliament who advocated social and constitutional reform.丘吉尔,伦道夫·亨利·斯宾塞:(1849-1895) 英国政治家,领导所谓的第四党,由议会中倡导社会和宪法改革的保守党成员组成 Churchill 4  Churchill&B{Winston} (&b{1871-1947})  NONE(无词性)American writer known for his popular historical romance novels, such asRichard Carvel  (1899). 丘吉尔,温斯顿:(1871-1947) 美国作家,以大众化的历史浪漫小说出名,如《理查德·卡弗》 (1899年)  Churchill 5  ChurchillSir &B{Winston Leonard Spenser} (&b{1874-1965})  NONE(无词性)British politician and writer. As prime minister (1940-1945 and 1951-1955) he led Great Britain through World War II. Churchill published several works, includingThe Second World War  (1948-1953), and won the 1953 Nobel Prize for literature. 丘吉尔,温斯顿·伦纳德·斯宾塞:(1874-1965) 英国政治家和作家,作为首相(1940年到1945年和1951年到1955年), 他领导英国度过了第二次世界大战。丘吉尔出版了许多著作,包括《第二次世界大战》 (1948年到1953年),获得1953年诺贝尔文学奖 继承用法:Churchill“ian  AHD:  [chûr-ch¹l“¶-…n] (形容词)




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