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单词 adjunct
释义 adjunct['ædʒʌŋkt]n. 附属物, 附件, 助手, 修饰语a. 附属的【医】 附属的, 附加的; 附件 adjunct  ad.junct  AHD:  [²j“¾ngkt”] D.J.  [6#d97J0kt]K.K.  [6#d97J0kt]n.Abbr. adj.(名词)缩写 adj.1. Something attached to another in a dependent or subordinate position.See Synonyms at appendage 附属物,辅助物:附加于他物的处于附属或从属地位的物品参见 appendage2. A person associated with another in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity.助手,副手:以从属或辅助身份与他人发生联系的人3. Grammar A clause or phrase added to a sentence that, while not essential to the sentence's structure, amplifies its meaning, such asfor several hours  in We waited for several hours.  【语法】 修饰语,附加语:附加于句子的从句或词组,虽不是句子结构的必需成分,但可扩大句子意思,例如for several hours(几小时) 在 We waited for several hours(我们等了好几个小时)  4. Logic A nonessential attribute of a thing.【逻辑学】 偶有属性:非本质属性adj.(形容词)1. Added or connected in a subordinate or auxiliary capacity:附属的:以从属或辅助身份附加或相联的:an adjunct clause.附属从句2. Attached to a faculty or staff in a temporary or auxiliary capacity:辅助的:以临时或辅助身份附加于全体从业人员的:an adjunct professor of history.辅助历史教授语源:From Latin adi&9{¿nctus} [past participle of] adiungere [to join to] * see  adjoin 源自 拉丁语 adi&9{¿nctus}  [] adiungere的过去分词 [与…连结] *参见 adjoin继承用法:adjunc“tion  AHD:  […-j¾ngk“sh…n] (名词)adjunc“tive  adj.(形容词)




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