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单词 cineraria
释义 cineraria[,sinə'rєəriə]n. 瓜叶菊【化】 瓜菊; 瓜叶除虫菊【医】 雪叶莲属(菊科) cineraria 1  cineraria 1  AHD:  [s¹n”…-râr“¶-…] D.J.  [7s!n*6re*ri8*]K.K.  [7s!n*6rWri*]n.(名词)Plural of cinerarium cinerarium的复数 cineraria 2  cineraria 2  AHD:  [s¹n”…-râr“¶-…] D.J.  [7s!n*6re*ri8*]K.K.  [7s!n*6rWri*]n.(名词)Any of several hybrid ornamental plants(Senecio  × hybridus)  in the composite family, derived from species native to the Canary Islands and widely grown as indoor or bedding plants for their showy, variously colored radiate flower heads and attractive silvery foliage. 瓜叶菊,千日莲:一种菊科杂交的装饰用植物(千里光属 × 杂交种) ,由原产于加那利群岛的品种繁育而来,有艳丽的、杂色的放射状头状花序和引人注目的有银色光泽的叶子,作为室内植物或花坛植物而广泛地栽种 语源:1. New Latin Cineraria [genus name] 现代拉丁语 Cineraria [属名] 2. from Latin ciner³rius [of ashes (from the ash-colored down on its leaves)] * see  cinerarium 源自 拉丁语 ciner³rius [灰烬的(其叶子上的灰白色绒毛)] *参见 cinerarium




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