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单词 circuit
释义 circuit['sə:kit]n. 电路, 环(行)道, 巡回【计】 线路; 电路【化】 回路; 电路【医】 回路; 电路 circuit  cir.cuit  AHD:  [sûr“k¹t] D.J.  [6sT8k!t]K.K.  [6sPk!t]n.Abbr. cir,circ.(名词)缩写 cir,circ.1. A closed, usually circular line that goes around an object or area.环形线,周线:通常为围绕一个物体或区域的圆形封闭线2. The region enclosed by such a line.See Synonyms at circumference 圆圈:由这样的线包围的区域参见 circumference3. A path or route the complete traversal of which without local change of direction requires returning to the starting point.迂回路线:一条通路或路线,不改变行进方向而完成全程回到起点4. The act of following such a path or route.环行,巡回:沿这种路径行进的行为5. A journey made on such a path or route.环游,周游:沿这种路径的旅行6. Electronics 【电子学】 7. A closed path followed or capable of being followed by an electric current.电路:一个通过电流或可通过电流的封闭路径8. A configuration of electrically or electromagnetically connected components or devices.线路连接结构:电子或电磁连接的元件或设备形成的一种结构9. A regular or accustomed course from place to place; a round:到各地间的固定的或习惯性路线;巡回:a salesperson on the Detroit-Minneapolis-Chicago circuit; a popular speaker on the lecture circuit.在底特律一明尼阿波利斯一芝加哥三地游走的推销商;巡回讲演的著名演说家10. The area or district thus covered, especially a territory under the jurisdiction of a judge in which  periodic court sessions are held.法庭巡回区:划定的地区或区域,特指在由法官裁决的周期性开庭的地区11. An association of theaters in which plays, acts, or films move from theater to theater for presentation.巡回演出会,协会:一种剧院的联合组织,戏剧、活动或电影在各剧院间轮回上演12. A group of nightclubs, show halls, or resorts at which entertainers appear in turn.一系列的夜总会、展示厅和度假地,演员在各地方轮回表演13. An association of teams, clubs, or arenas of competition:联盟,协会:运动队、俱乐部或比赛场地之间的联合组织:the downhill ski circuit.下坡滑雪协会不及物动词和及物动词)  cir.cuit.ed,,cir.cuits To make a circuit or circuit of.巡回,周游:绕…环行或使…环行语源:1. Middle English [circumference] 中古英语 [圆周] 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin circuitus [a going around] [from past participle of] circum&9{º}re [to go around] 源自 拉丁语 circuitus [一圈]  [] 源自circum&9{º}re的过去分词 [绕行] 4. circum- [circum-] circum- [环绕] 5. &9{ºre} [to go] * see  ei- &9{ºre} [走] *参见 ei-




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