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单词 circumscribe
释义 circumscribe['sə:kəmskraib]vt. 在...周围画线, 限制 circumscribe  cir.cum.scribe  AHD:  [sûr“k…m-skrºb”] D.J.  [6sT8k*m7skra!b]K.K.  [6sPk*m7skra!b]及物动词)  cir.cum.scribed,,cir.cum.scribes 1. To draw a line around; encircle.划一条线包围;围绕2. To limit narrowly; restrict.狭窄地限定;限制3. To determine the limits of; define.See Synonyms at limit 确定…的范围;下定义参见 limit4. To enclose (a polygon or polyhedron) within a configuration of lines, curves, or surfaces so that every vertex of the enclosed object is incident on the enclosing configuration.外接圆:用直线、曲线或面的结构围绕(多边形或多面体),使被包围物的每个顶点都内接于该结构5. To erect (such a configuration) around a polygon or polyhedron:使外接于…:确定(这样一个结构)围绕一个多边形或多面体:circumscribe a circle around a square.正方形的外接圆语源:1. Middle English circumscriben 中古英语 circumscriben 2. from Latin circumscr&9{ºbere} 源自 拉丁语 circumscr&9{ºbere} 3. circum- [circum-] circum- [前缀,表“环绕”] 4. scr&9{ºbere} [to write] * see  skr&9{º}bh- scr&9{ºbere} [写] *参见 skr&9{º}bh- 继承用法:cir”cumscrib“able  adj.(形容词)cir“cumscrib”er  n.(名词)




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