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单词 cleat
释义 cleat[kli:t]n. 楔子, 栓, 系缆墩vt. 装上栓, 把索系在栓上【电】 线夹 cleat  cleat  AHD:  [kl¶t] D.J.  [kli8t]K.K.  [klit]n.(名词)1. A strip of wood or iron used to strengthen or support the surface to which it is attached.加强角片:用来加固或支撑其所附表面的木条或铁条2. A projecting piece of metal or hard rubber attached to the underside of a shoe to provide traction.耐磨钉:在鞋底防止磨损的一块金属或硬橡胶的凸出物3. cleats A pair of shoes with such projections on the soles.cleats 防滑鞋:鞋底有这种突出物的鞋4. A piece of metal or wood having projecting arms or ends on which a rope can be wound or secured.羊角,系索耳:金属或木配件,有突出的臂或末端,绳索可绕上或收紧5. A wedge-shaped piece of material, such as wood, that is fastened onto something, such as a spar, to act as a support or prevent slippage.楔子,防滑木:楔状物,如木楔子,为了支撑或防滑固定在某物上,如翼梁6. A spurlike device used in gripping a tree or pole in climbing.防滑钉:一种钉状装备,在攀登中用来抓住树或柱及物动词)  cleat.ed,,cleats To supply, support, secure, or strengthen with a cleat.用楔子支持、收紧或加固语源:1. Middle English clete 中古英语 clete 2. from Old English *cl¶at [lump, wedge] 源自 古英语 *cl¶at [隆起,楔形物]




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