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单词 Cleveland
释义 Clevelandn. 克利夫兰 Cleveland 1  AHD:  [kl¶v“l…nd] D.J.  [6kli8vl*nd]K.K.  [6klivl*nd]NONE(无词性)1. A city of northeast Ohio on Lake Erie. A port of entry and industrial center, the city was laid out in 1796 by Moses Cleveland (1754-1806). Population, 505,616.克利夫兰:美国俄亥俄州东北部的一座城市,位于伊利湖畔。是一货物进入港和工业中心,该市为摩西·克利夫兰(1754-1806年)于1796年所建。人口505,6162. A city of southeast Tennessee east-northeast of Chattanooga. It is a trade center with varied industries. Population, 30,354.克利夫兰:美国田纳西州东南部,查塔努加东北偏东的一座城市,是一个有多种工业的贸易中心。人口30,354 Cleveland 2  Cleveland,Mount。  NONE(无词性)A peak, 3,192.1 m (10,466 ft) high, of northwest Montana. It is the highest point in the Lewis Range of the Rocky Mountains.克利夫兰峰:美国蒙大纳州西北部的一座山峰,海拔约3,192.1米(10,466英尺)。是落基山脉路易斯山脉的最高点 Cleveland 3  Cleveland&B{(Stephen) Grover} (&b{1837-1908})  NONE(无词性)The 22nd and 24th President of the United States (1885-1889 and 1893-1897). He was known as an honest, independent President opposed to corruption and the spoils system.克利夫兰,(斯蒂芬)格罗夫:(1837-1908) 美国第22届和第24届总统(1885-1889年及1893-1897年)。以诚实、独立的品格和反对贪污及掠夺体制而著称




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