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单词 climacteric
释义 climactericn. 更年期, 绝经, 断经, 断经期, 危机, 转折点, 危机期a. 更年期的, 危机的, 关键的【医】 更年期; 更年期的 climacteric  cli.mac.ter.ic  AHD:  [klº-m²k“t…r-¹k, klº”m²k-tµr“¹k] D.J.  [kla!6m#kt*r!k, 7kla!m#k6ter!k]K.K.  [kla!6m#kt*r!k, 7kla!m#k6tWr!k]n.(名词)1. A period of life characterized by physiological and psychic change that marks the end of the reproductive capacity of women and terminates with the completion of menopause.绝经期,更年期:生命的一个阶段,特征是标志妇女生殖能力终结及以停经完成为结束的生理、心理变化2. A corresponding period sometimes occurring in men that may be marked by a reduction in sexual activity, although fertility is retained.更年期:有时见于男性的一个相应时期,可能以虽然仍有生殖能力,但性能力降低为标志3. A critical period or year in a person's life when major changes in health or fortune are thought to take place.转换期,危机期:人一生中关键的时期或年月,指当健康或命运的大变动将要发生时4. A critical stage, period, or year:转折点:一个关键的时期、阶段或年月:“before the end of the millennium, whether&I{[he]}  lives to see that ecclesiastical climacteric or not” (&b{Conor Cruise O'Brien})“在太平盛世终结前,[他] 是否能活着看到基督教会的转折点” (康纳·克鲁斯·奥布赖恩)adj.(形容词)1. Of or relating to a climacteric.更年期的:更年期的或与之相关的2. Critical; crucial.关键的;决定性的语源:1. From Latin cl&9{ºmact¶ricus} [of a dangerous period in life] 源自 拉丁语 cl&9{ºmact¶ricus} [生命中一个危险阶段的] 2. from Greek klimakt¶rikos 源自 希腊语 klimakt¶rikos 3. from klimakt¶r [dangerous point, rung of a ladder] 源自 klimakt¶r [危险时刻,梯子的梯级] 4. from klimax [ladder] * see  climax 源自 klimax [梯子] *参见 climax




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