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单词 cloisonné
释义 cloisonné  cloi.son.né  AHD:  [kloi”z…-n³“, kl…-wä”z…-] D.J.  [7kl%!z*6ne!, kl*7w$8z*-]K.K.  [7kl%!z*6ne, kl*7w$z*-]n.(名词)1. Enamelware in which the surface decoration is formed by different colors of enamel separated by thin strips of metal.景泰蓝:一种搪瓷器,表面装饰是由被薄金属条分隔的不同颜色的瓷釉形成的2. The process or method of producing such enamelware.景泰蓝工艺:生产这种搪瓷器的过程或方法语源:1. French [past participle of] cloisonner [to partition] 法语  [] cloisonner的过去分词 [分隔] 2. from Old French cloison [partition] 源自 古法语 cloison [间隔] 3. from Vulgar Latin *clausi½  clausi½n- 源自 俗拉丁语 *clausi½  clausi½n- 4. from Latin clausus [past participle of] claudere [to close, lock] 源自 拉丁语 clausus  [] claudere的过去分词 [关闭,锁上] 继承用法:cloisonné“  adj.(形容词)




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