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单词 coast
释义 coast[kəust]n. 海岸, 滑坡vt. 沿海岸而行vi. 沿海岸而行【电】 海岸 coast  coast  AHD:  [k½st] D.J.  [k*&st]K.K.  [kost]n.(名词)1. Land next to the sea; the seashore.海岸:接近大海的陆地;海滨2. Coast The Pacific Coast of the United States.Coast 美国的太平洋海岸3. A hill or other slope down which one may coast, as on a sled.下滑的斜坡:可以乘雪橇顺着滑下的小山或斜坡4. The act of sliding or coasting; slide.滑下,溜下:滑动或滑行的动作;滑动5. Obsolete The frontier or border of a country.【废语】 边界,边境:国家的边界或边境v.(动词)  coast.ed,,coasts v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To slide down an incline through the effect of gravity.溜下:因重力作用沿斜面滑下2. To move effortlessly and smoothly.See Synonyms at slide 滑行:不费劲地平滑地移动参见 slide3. To move without further use of propelling power.顺势滑下:无需进一步使用推力来运动4. To act or move aimlessly or with little effort:轻松漫游:无目的地或用很小力的作用或运动:coasted for a few weeks before applying for a job.在找工作之前先轻松的玩几周5. Nautical To sail near or along a coast.【航海】 沿着海岸航行:沿着或接近海岸在海上航行 (及物动词)【航海】 To sail or move along the coast or border of.使沿着海岸航行:沿着海岸或边界航行或移动语源:1. Middle English coste 中古英语 coste 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin costa [side] * see  kost- 源自 拉丁语 costa [旁边] *参见 kost- 继承用法:coast“al  AHD:  [k½“st…l] (形容词)




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