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单词 coattail
释义 coattail['kəutteil]]n. 上衣后摆, 燕尾服的燕尾 coattail  coat.tail  AHD:  [k½t“t³l”] D.J.  [6k*&t7te!l]K.K.  [6kot7tel]n.(名词)1. The loose back part of a coat that hangs below the waist.男上衣后摆:上衣没有被固定的后部,悬垂到腰下2. coattails The skirts of a formal or dress coat.coattails 夜礼服,礼服女裙习惯用语:on (someone's) coattails  With the assistance of another:得到他人的帮助:won the mayor's post on the senator's coattails.得到参议员的帮助赢得市长的职务on the coattails of  1. As a result of the success of another:因他人成功的结果:elected to office on the coattails of a popular governor.由于一位受人爱戴的官员的帮助而被推选到政府机关2. Immediately following or as a direct result of:紧随其后或作为直接结果的:resigned on the coattails of the scandal.因丑闻而辞职




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