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单词 cobalt
释义 cobalt['kəubɒ:lt]n. 钴, 钴类颜料【化】 钴Co【医】 钴(27号元素) cobalt  co.balt  AHD:  [k½“bôlt”] D.J.  [6k*&7b%8lt]K.K.  [6ko7b%lt]n.Symbol Co (名词)符号 Co A hard, brittle metallic element, found associated with nickel, silver, lead, copper, and iron ores and resembling nickel and iron in appearance. It is used chiefly for magnetic alloys, high-temperature alloys, and in the form of its salts for blue glass and ceramic pigments. Atomic number 27; atomic weight 58.9332; melting point 1,495&9{=}C; boiling point 2,900&9{=}C; specific gravity 8.9; valence 2, 3.See table at element 钴:一种硬而脆的金属元素,与镍、银、铅、铜和铁矿石一起存在,外表像镍和铁。它主要用于磁合金、高温合金、以盐的形式用于蓝色玻璃和陶瓷颜料。原子序数27;原子量58.9332;熔点1,495&9{=}C;沸点2,900&9{=}C;比重8.9;原子价2,3参见 element语源:1. German Kobalt 德语 Kobalt 2. from Middle High German kobolt [goblin (from the trouble it gave silver miners)] 源自 中古高地德语 kobolt [麻烦(源于它给银矿工人带来的麻烦)]




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