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单词 adolescent
释义 adolescent[,ædəu'lesənt]a. 青春期的, 青少年的n. 青少年【医】 青年期的, 青春期的 adolescent  ad.o.les.cent  AHD:  [²d”l-µs“…nt] D.J.  [7#dl6es*nt]K.K.  [7#d16Ws*nt]adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, or undergoing adolescence.See Synonyms at young 青春期的:属于,关于或经历青春期的参见 youngn.(名词)A young person who has undergone puberty but who has not reached full maturity; a teenager.青少年:已经历青春发育期但未完全成熟的年轻人;十几岁的青少年语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin adol¶sc¶ns  adol¶scent- [present participle of] adol¶scere [to grow up] 源自 拉丁语 adol¶sc¶ns  adol¶scent-  [] adol¶scere的现在分词 [成长] 4. ad- [ad-] ad- [前缀,表“朝向”] 5. al¶scere [to grow] [inchoative of] alere [to nourish] * see  al- 2al¶scere [生长]  [] alere的起始动词 [滋养] *参见 al- 2注释:The adolescent grows up to become the adult.The wordsadolescent  and adult  that refer to these two stages in the human life cycle ultimately come from forms of the same Latin word, adol¶scere,  meaning “to grow up.” The present participle ofadol¶scere, adol¶sc¶ns,  from which adolescent  derives, means “growing up,” while the past participleadultus,  the source of adult,  means “grown up.” Appropriately enough,adolescent,  first recorded in English in a work written perhaps in 1440, seems to have come into the language beforeadult,  first recorded in a work published in 1531. 青少年成长为成年人。adolescent 及 adult 这两个词都表示人类生命循环中的两个阶段,并且始终都来自于同一个拉丁词 adolescere 的不同形式,意为“成长”。 现在分词形式的adolescere--adolescens 产生出 adolesent ,表示“正在成长的”, 而其过去分词adultus 则为 adult 的语源,意为“已经长大的”。 很恰当地是,adolescent 约于1440年首次用于英语作品中, 似乎比首次于1531年刊登在一作品中的adult 一词要早出现在英语语言中




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