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单词 cohort
释义 cohort['kəuhɒ:t]n. 步兵大队, 一队士兵, 一群 cohort  co.hort  AHD:  [k½“hôrt”] D.J.  [6k*&7h%8t]K.K.  [6ko7h%rt]n.(名词)1. A group or band of people.一群:一群或一帮人2. A companion or an associate.同伴,合伙人3. A generational group as defined in demographics, statistics, or market research:一代人:在人口统计学、统计学或市场调查中定义的一代人:“The cohort of people aged 30 to 39 . . . were more conservative”(&b{American Demographics})“年龄在三十到三十九的一群人…更加保守”(美国人口统计数据)4. One of the 10 divisions of a Roman legion, consisting of 300 to 600 men.步兵队:罗马军团的10个师之一,有300到600人5. A group of soldiers.一群士兵语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French cohorte 源自 古法语 cohorte 3. from Latin cohors  cohort- * see  gher- 1源自 拉丁语 cohors  cohort- *参见 gher- 1用法:1. The use ofcohort  to refer to an individual rather than a group has gained considerable currency in recent years, and seems now to be the predominant usage.Seventy-one percent of the Usage Panel accepts the sentence 使用cohort 来指个别的而不是一群的在近年已很流行, 现在似乎已大量地使用。百分之七十一的用法专题使用小组成员接受这个句子 The cashiered dictator and his cohorts have all written their memoirs, 被革职的执政官和他的同谋者已经写了他们的实录, 2. while only 43 percent accepts 而只有百分之四十三的成员接受 The gangster walked into the room surrounded by his cohort. · 一名匪徒走进被他的一帮人包围的屋子。 3. Perhaps because of its original military meaning,cohort  usually implies a somewhat negative judgment.  A phrase such asthe President and his cohorts  might therefore be better used by critics of the President than by defenders. 也许由于它原来的军事意义,cohort 通常表示某些否定的看法。 因此,例如总统和他的一帮人 也许会更好地由总统的批评者而不是支持者使用




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