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单词 colloid
释义 colloid['kɒlɒid]n. 胶体, 胶质, 胶态a. 胶态的, 胶质的【化】 胶体; 胶体剂【医】 胶体, 胶质; 胶态的 colloid  col.loid  AHD:  [k¼l“oid”] D.J.  [6kKl7%!d]K.K.  [6k$l7%!d]n.(名词)1. Chemistry 【化学】 2. A suspension of finely divided particles in a continuous medium in which the particles are approximately 5 to 5,000 angstroms in size, do not settle out of the substance rapidly, and are not readily filtered.胶质:在一连续介质中被细微分开的粒子形成的悬浮状态,粒子尺度约5至5,000埃,不会很快从该物质中分离,也不易被滤出3. The particulate matter so suspended.处于这种悬浮状态的胶质4. Physiology The gelatinous product of the thyroid gland, consisting mainly of thyroglobulin, which serves as the precursor and storage form of thyroid hormone.【生理学】 甲状腺囊中一种凝胶状物质,主要包含甲状腺球蛋白,作为甲状腺分泌物贮藏处5. Pathology Gelatinous material resulting from colloid degeneration in diseased tissue.【病理学】 从疾病细胞组织的胶质变性中产生的胶质物质adj.(形容词)Of, relating to, containing, or having the nature of a colloid.胶质的、有关胶质的、包含胶质的或有胶质的特性的继承用法:colloi“dal  AHD:  [k…-loid“l, k¼-] (形容词)colloi“dally  adv.(副词)




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