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单词 cologne
释义 cologne  co.logne  AHD:  [k…-l½n“] D.J.  [k*6l*&n]K.K.  [k*6lon]n.(名词)A scented liquid made of alcohol and various fragrant oils.Also called  eau de cologne 古龙水:由酒精或多种香油制成的有香味的液体也作  eau de cologne语源:1. Short for cologne (water) cologne (water) 的简写 2. translation of French (eau de) Cologne 法语 (eau de) Cologne的翻译 3. after  Cologne 源自  Cologne注释:The wordcologne,  denoting toilet water, is fromCologne,  the French name of the city in Germany that in German is calledKöln,  where cologne has been made since the beginning of the 18th century.The first use ofcologne  for toilet water is recorded in English in 1814, with the word being used in the compoundcologne water,  a translation of eau de cologne,  the French name for this liquid. With a history dating back to the Roman Empire, a history reflected in its name,in fact, which comes from the Latin wordCol½nia,  meaning “colony,” Cologne is memorialized in English, though in a hidden way, as the name of a minor luxury.科隆 一词指代花露水, 来源于德国一城市的法语名字Cologne , 在德语中叫Koln , 自18世纪初期科隆香水在此制造。cologne 第一次用于花露水是1814年, 在英语中用于复合词 cologne water ,是法语 eau de cologne 的译文。 科隆一词的历史可追溯到罗马帝国时期,事实上它来源于拉丁语Colonia ,意指“殖民地”, 在英语中一提到科隆,虽然不太明显,一般来说是轻度奢侈的代名词 Cologne  Co.logne  AHD:  [k…-l½n“]  也作 Köln [kœln] D.J.  [k*6l*&n] 也作 Köln [kT8ln]K.K.  [k*6lon] 也作 Köln [kPln]NONE(无词性)A city of western Germany on the Rhine River north of Bonn. It was a Roman settlement called Colonia Agrippina aftera.d.  50 and passed under Frankish control in the 5th century. During the 15th century it flourished as a member of the Hanseatic League. Population, 922,286. 科隆:西德一城市,位于莱茵河上波恩北部。公元 50年后成为一个罗马人定居地称为阿格丽品娜殖民地,5世纪时经历了法兰克人统治。15世纪时兴盛一时,成为汉撒同盟的一员。人口922,286




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