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单词 combine
释义 combine[kəm'bain]vt. (使)联合, (使)结合vi. (使)联合, (使)结合n. (企业的)联合, 联合收割机【经】 联合企业 combine  com.bine  AHD:  [k…m-bºn“] D.J.  [k*m6ba!n]K.K.  [k*m6ba!n]AHD:  [k¼m“bºn”] v.(动词)  com.bined,,com.bines及物动词)1. To bring into a state of unity; merge.使结合:使成统一的状态;合并2. To join (two or more substances) to make a single substance, such as a chemical compound; mix.使化合:使(两个或两个以上物质)合成为单一的物质,如化学合成;混合3. To possess or exhibit in combination:兼有:兼有或兼备:The choreography, which combines artistry and athletics, is extremely innovative.兼有艺术和运动的舞蹈艺术是极具创新意义的4. [k¼m“bºn”] To harvest (a grain crop) using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning machine.[k¼m“bºn”] 用联合收割机收割:用切割、脱粒、打场机收割(庄稼)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become united; coalesce.使结合:使结合;合并2. To join forces for a common purpose.See Synonyms at join 联合:为一个共同的目的而联合力量参见 join3. Chemistry To form a compound.【化学】 使化合:使合成化合物4. [k¼m“bºn”] To harvest a grain crop using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning machine:[k¼m“bºn”] 用联合收割机收割:用切割、脱粒、打场机收割庄稼:“Norwegian bachelor farmers combining in their antique McCormacks”(&b{Garrison Keillor})“挪威的独身农民们用他们的老式麦克库马克式收割机收割庄稼”(加里森·谢勒)n.(名词)1. A power-operated harvesting machine that cuts, threshes, and cleans grain.联合收割机:一种动力操作切割、脱粒和打场的收割机器2. An association of people or groups united for the furtherance of political or commercial interests.联合:为了进一步的政治或商业利益结合在一起的人或组织的联合3. A combination.联合语源:1. Middle English combinen 中古英语 combinen 2. from Old French combiner 源自 古法语 combiner 3. from Late Latin comb&9{ºn³re} 源自 后期拉丁语 comb&9{ºn³re} 4. Latin com- [com-] 拉丁语 com- [前缀,表“一起”] 5. b&9{ºn&9{º}} [two by two] * see  dwo- b&9{ºn&9{º}} [每两个一组] *参见 dwo- 继承用法:combin“er  n.(名词)




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