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单词 comfort
释义 comfort['kʌmfət]n. 舒适, 安慰, 安慰者vt. 安慰 comfort  com.fort  AHD:  [k¾m“f…rt] D.J.  [6kJmf*t]K.K.  [6kJmf*t]及物动词)  com.fort.ed,,com.forts 1. To soothe in time of affliction or distress.慰藉:对苦恼和忧伤的及时安慰2. To ease physically; relieve.放松:身体轻松;解除(忧愁)n.(名词)1. A condition or feeling of pleasurable ease, well-being, and contentment.愉快:快乐轻松、安宁和满意的条件或感觉2. Solace in time of grief or fear.慰藉:在悲伤和惧怕时的安慰3. Help; assistance:帮助;辅助:gave comfort to the enemy.对敌人给予安慰4. One that brings or provides comfort.带来或提供安慰的人5. The capacity to give physical ease and well-being:能给予舒适之物:给予身体轻松和安宁的能力:enjoying the comfort of my favorite chair.享受我最心爱的椅子所给予的舒服语源:1. Middle English comforten 中古英语 comforten 2. from Old French conforter [to strengthen] 源自 古法语 conforter [加强] 3. from Late Latin c½nfort³re 源自 后期拉丁语 c½nfort³re 4. Latin com- [intensive pref.] * see  com- 拉丁语 com- [加强语气的前缀] *参见 com-5. Latin fortis [strong] * see  bhergh- 2拉丁语 fortis [强壮] *参见 bhergh- 2继承用法:com“fortingly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. comfort,console,solace2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to give hope or help to in time of grief or pain”: 这些动词表示的中心意义是“在悲伤或痛苦的时候给予希望或帮助”: solaced myself with a hot cup of coffee. See also Synonyms at  &b{amenity} ,&b{rest} &+{1}用一杯热咖啡安慰我自己 参见同义词 amenity,rest1




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