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单词 communion
释义 communion  com.mun.ion  AHD:  [k…-my›n“y…n] D.J.  [k*6mju8nj*n]K.K.  [k*6mjunj*n]n.(名词)1. The act or an instance of sharing, as of thoughts or feelings.共有;交流:分享的行为或例子,如对思想和感觉2. Religious or spiritual fellowship.教会:宗教或精神团体3. A body of Christians with a common religious faith who practice the same rites; a denomination.教派:实行相同礼拜式且有共同宗教信念的基督教徒团体;宗派4. Communion Communion 5. The sacrament of the Eucharist received by a congregation.圣餐:某地区全体教徒接受圣餐的圣礼6. The consecrated elements of the Eucharist.圣餐的献祭成分7. The part of the Mass or a liturgy in which the Eucharist is received.圣餐仪式:弥撒的部分或接受圣餐的礼拜仪式语源:1. Middle English communioun [Christian fellowship, Eucharist] 中古英语 communioun [基督教跟随者,圣餐] 2. from Old French communion 源自 古法语 communion 3. from Late Latin comm&9{¿nio}  comm&9{¿}ni½n- 源自 后期拉丁语 comm&9{¿nio}  comm&9{¿}ni½n- 4. from Latin [mutual participation] 源自 拉丁语 [相互参加] 5. from comm&9{¿nis} [common] * see  common 源自 comm&9{¿nis} [共同的] *参见 common




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