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单词 Comoros
释义 Comoros  Com.o.ros  AHD:  [k¼m“…-r½z”] D.J.  [6kKm*7r*&z]K.K.  [6k$m*7roz]NONE(无词性)A country comprising the three main islands and numerous islets of theComoro Islands  in the Indian Ocean off southeast Africa between Mozambique and Madagascar. The islands declared their independence from France in 1975, although Mayotte, the largest of the group, voted to retain its status as a French territory. Moroni, on Grande Comoro Island, is the capital of the country. Population, 346,992. 科摩罗:由在印度洋的科摩罗群岛 的三个主要岛屿和许多小岛组成的国家,在莫桑比克和马达加斯加之间的非洲东南部的外面。虽然群岛中最大者马奥特因投票保持为法国领土状态,但该群岛还是于1975年从法国宣布独立。在格兰得·科摩罗岛上的莫罗尼,是此国的首都。人口346,992




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