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单词 comparative
释义 comparative[kəm'pærətiv]a. 比较的, 相对的n. 对手【经】 比较的, 相当的 comparative  com.par.a.tive  AHD:  [k…m-p²r“…-t¹v] D.J.  [k*m6p#r*t!v]K.K.  [k*m6p#r*t!v]adj.Abbr. comp.,compar.(形容词)缩写 comp.,compar.1. Relating to, based on, or involving comparison.比较的;相当的:属于、基于或包括比较的2. Estimated by comparison; relative:按比较估计的;有关的:a comparative newcomer.比较新进的人员3. Grammar Of, relating to, or being the intermediate degree of comparison of adjectives, asbetter, sweeter,  or more wonderful,  or adverbs, as more softly.  【语法】 比较级:属于、有关或作为形容词比较的中间级的,如 better, sweeter, 或 more wonderful 或副词如 more softly。  4. Linguistics 【语言学】 5. Of or relating to the synchronic typological comparison of languages.比较语言的:属于或有关语言的同时类型的比较的6. Of or relating to the comparison of languages descended from a common ancestor:同宗语言比较的:属于或有关从共同祖先传下来的语言的比较的:comparative historical linguistics.比较历史语言学n.Grammar (名词)【语法】 1. The comparative degree.比较级2. An adjective or adverb expressing the comparative degree.比较级形容词,比较级副词:表达比较级的形容词或副词继承用法:compar“atively  adv.(副词)




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