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单词 complexion
释义 complexion[kəm'plekʃn]n. 肤色, 情况, 局面【医】 体质; 面色, 面容 complexion  com.plex.ion  AHD:  [k…m-plµk“sh…n] D.J.  [k*m6plek.*n]K.K.  [k*m6plWk.*n]n.(名词)1. The natural color, texture, and appearance of the skin, especially of the face.肤色:自然的颜色、质地和肤色,尤指面部的2. General character, aspect, or appearance:外观:一般的特征、方面或外表:findings that will alter the complexion of the problem.找到改变问题表象的方法3. The combination of the four humors of cold, heat, moistness, and dryness in specific proportions, thought in ancient and medieval physiology to control the temperament and the constitution of the body.体质:古代与中世纪生理学家们认为冷、热、湿、干四种体液的特定比例的组合控制着身体的温度和体质语源:1. Middle English complexioun [physical constitution] 中古英语 complexioun [身体体质] 2. from Old French complexion 源自 古法语 complexion 3. from Late Latin complexi½  complexi½n- [balance of the humors] 源自 后期拉丁语 complexi½  complexi½n- [体液的平衡] 4. from Latin [combination] 源自 拉丁语 [化合物] 5. from complexus [past participle of] complect&9{º} [to entwine] * see  complect 源自 complexus  [] complect&9{º}的过去分词 [使…缠绕] *参见 complect继承用法:complex“ional  adj.(形容词)




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