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单词 composite family
释义 composite family  composite family  n.(名词)The largest family of flowering plants, the Compositae (Asteraceae), comprising about 1,100 genera and more than 20,000 species and characterized by many small flowers arranged in a head looking like a single flower and subtended by an involucre of bracts. A head may consist of both ray flowers and disk flowers, as in the sunflower, of disk flowers only, as in the burdock, or of ray flowers only, as in the dandelion.菊科:花中最大的科,菊科,大约有1,100个属和20,000多个种,其特点是小花密集地排列成头状花序,四周有苞片包围。头状花序既有边花又有盘花的为向日葵,只有盘花的为牛蒡花,只有边花的为蒲公英




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