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单词 concourse
释义 concourse['kɒŋkɒ:s]n. 集合, 总汇, 群集 concourse  con.course  AHD:  [k¼n“kôrs”, -k½rs”, k¼ng“-] D.J.  [6kKn7k%8s, -7k*&rs, 6kK0-]K.K.  [6k$n7k%rs, -7kors, 6k$0-]n.(名词)1. A large open space for the gathering or passage of crowds, as in an airport.中央大厅:一个大的用于聚会或作人行通道的露天场所,例如飞机场2. A broad thoroughfare.宽阔的大道3. A great crowd; a throng.一大群;一大堆4. The act of coming, moving, or flowing together.汇集:来到、移动或流到一起的动作语源:1. Middle English concours [assembly, throng] 中古英语 concours [集合,大群] 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin concursus [from past participle of] concurrere [to assemble] 源自 拉丁语 concursus  [] 源自concurrere的过去分词 [集合] 4. com- [com-] com- [前缀,表“集”] 5. currere [to run] * see  kers- currere [跑] *参见 kers-




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