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单词 after
释义 after['ɑ:ftə]prep. 在...之后, 由于conj. 在...之后ad. 后来相关词组:day after daytime after timeafter all after  af.ter  AHD:  [²f“t…r] D.J.  [6#ft*]K.K.  [6#ft+]prep.(介词)1. Behind in place or order:在之后:在地方或顺序之后:Z comes after Y.Z在Y之后2. Next to or lower than in order or importance.次于:在顺序或重要性上次于或低于3. In quest or pursuit of:探求,追求:seek after fame; go after big money.追逐名誉;追求钱财4. Concerning:有关,关于:asked after you.询问关于你的情况5. Subsequent in time to; at a later time than:在…以后:时间上在…之后;比…晚一点:come after dinner.晚饭之后来6. Subsequent to and because of or regardless of:随后因为,随后不管:They are still friends after all their differences.尽管有许多相异,他们依旧是朋友7. Following continually:一个接一个:持续不断地紧接着:year after year.年复一年8. In the style of or in imitation of:依照,仿照:以…的风格或模仿…:satires after Horace.模仿贺拉斯的讽刺作品9. With the same or close to the same name as; in honor or commemoration of:纪念,以…命名:与…名字有相同或相近的名字;为纪念…:named after her mother.以他母亲的名字命名10. According to the nature or desires of; in conformity to:与…一致:根据…的本质或愿望;与…一致:a tenor after my own heart.深得我心的内容11. Past the hour of:…点以后:five minutes after three.三点过五分adv.(副词)1. Behind; in the rear.在后;在后面2. At a later or subsequent time; afterward:接着,以后:在后来或接下来的时间;以后:three hours after; departed shortly after.三小时以后;不久就离开了adj.(形容词)1. Subsequent in time or place; later; following:以后的,接着的:在时间和地点上继后的;以后的;接下来的:in after years.在以后的岁月里2. Nautical Nearer the stern of a vessel.【航海】 靠近船后部的conj.(连接词)Following or subsequent to the time that:在…之后:紧接或继…之后:I saw them after I arrived.在我抵达之后,我见到了他们n.(名词)Afternoon.下午,午后语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English æfter * see  apo- 源自 古英语 æfter *参见 apo-




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