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单词 disgrace
释义 disgrace[dis'greis]n. 耻辱, 不名誉vt. 使受耻辱, 使失体面【法】 不名誉, 耻辱, 罢黜相关词组:be a disgrace to...bring disgrace on sbbe in disgrace disgrace  dis.grace  AHD:  [d¹s-gr³s“] D.J.  [d!s6gre!s]K.K.  [d!s6gres]n.(名词)1. Loss of honor, respect, or reputation; shame.丢脸,耻辱:失去荣誉、尊敬或名声;羞耻2. The condition of being strongly and generally disapproved.失宠;失势:处于强烈的和通常不赞同的状态3. One that brings disfavor or discredit:惹人讨厌的事物,招致怀疑的事物:Your handwriting is a disgrace.你的笔迹令人怀疑及物动词)  dis.graced,, 1. To bring shame or dishonor on:使羞辱;使蒙羞:disgraced the entire community.使整个社区蒙羞2. To deprive of favor or good repute; treat with disfavor:玷辱,羞辱:使失宠或使失去好名声;冷淡地对待:The family was disgraced by the scandal.这个家庭由于丑闻而失去名望语源:1. French disgrâce 法语 disgrâce 2. from Italian disgrazia 源自 意大利语 disgrazia 3. dis- [not]  from Latin * see  dis- dis- [不]  源自 拉丁语 *参见 dis-4. grazia [favor]  from Latin gr³tia  from gr³tus [pleasing] * see  g wer…- 2grazia [赞同,宠爱]  源自 拉丁语 gr³tia  源自 gr³tus [令人高兴的,讨人喜欢的] *参见 g wer…- 2继承用法:disgrac“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. disgrace,dishonor,shame,infamy,ignominy,odium,obloquy,opprobrium,disrepute,discredit2. These nouns denote the condition of being held in low regard.这些名词都指一种不受尊重的状态。3. Disgrace  implies strong disfavor or ostracism: Disgrace  含有强烈反对和排斥之意: “Between the possibility of being hanged in all innocence, and the certainty of a public and merited disgrace, no gentleman of spirit could long hesitate” (Robert Louis Stevenson).“在有可能被无辜绞死和一定要公开并丢脸之间,有灵魂的先生们决不会长久地犹豫不决” (罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森)。4. Dishonor   means loss of esteem, respect, or good reputation previously enjoyed: Dishonor  意为失去重视、尊敬或以前所拥有的好名声: To fail while trying hard is no dishonor.尽了努力而不成功并不是一件丢脸的事。5. Shame  suggests mortifying loss of status, such as that which might result from the commission of a moral offense: Shame  意味着因道德上的不轨而失去地位,从而感到羞耻和耻辱: “only the deep sense of some deathless shame” (John Webster).“只深深地感到某种永远存在的耻辱” (约翰·韦伯斯特)。6. Infamy  is public disgrace or shameful notoriety: Infamy  指当众丢脸或臭名昭著: “December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy” (Franklin D. Roosevelt).“1941年12月7日—将作为一个耻辱的日子传诸后世” (富兰克林·D·罗斯福)。7. Ignominy  implies public contempt: Ignominy  含有公众鄙视之意: suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison.忍受着被送入监狱的羞耻行为的煎熬。8. Odium   adds todisgrace  the sense of being the object of general dislike or detestation:  Odium  比disgrace 多另外一层意思:成为公众不喜欢或厌恶的对象;  “It was his lot to taste the bitterness of popular odium” (Nathaniel Hawthorne).“他命该尝受被公众憎恨的苦头” (纳撒尼尔·霍桑)。9. Obloquy  implies being subjected to abuse and vilification: Obloquy  含有遭到指责和辱骂之意: “his long public life, so singularly checkered with good and evil, with glory and obloquy” (Macaulay).他长期从事公务,好的和坏的,光荣和受辱交错,盛衰无常 (麦考利)。10. Opprobrium  is the condition of being harshly condemned: Opprobrium  指受到严厉谴责的状态: “The name[was] &I{ a by-word of scorn and opprobrium throughout the city”}  (Washington Irving).“这个名字成了 全城表示轻蔑和耻辱的代名词”  (华盛顿·欧文)。11. Disrepute  involves lack or loss of a good name: Disrepute  表示缺少或失去好名声: Because of the scandal the school has fallen into disrepute.丑闻使这所学校名誉扫地。12. Discredit  implies loss of esteem resulting from personal misconduct: Discredit  指由于个人的不端行为而失去别人的尊敬: Your actions will bring discredit to your name. 你的行为会败坏你的名声




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