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单词 absurdism
释义 absurdism[əb'sə:dizəm]n. 荒诞主义 absurdism  ab.surd.ism  AHD:  […b-sûr“d¹z-…m, -zûr“-] D.J.  [*b6sT8d!z*m, -6zT8-]K.K.  [*b6sPd!z*m, -6zP-]n.(名词)1. A philosophy, often translated into art forms, holding that human beings exist in a meaningless, irrational universe and that any search for order by them will bring them into direct conflict with this universe:荒诞主义:常用艺术形式表现的一种哲学,认为人类生存的世界是无意义、非理性的, 而人类任何寻求秩序的企图都会导致与这个世界的直接冲突:“True absurdism is not less but more real than reality”(&b{John Simon})“真正的荒诞主义不是比现实更虚幻,而是更为真实”(约翰·西蒙)2. An act or an instance of the ridiculous:荒诞行为,荒诞描写:可笑的,荒诞的行为或事例:“This strained conceit never quite locates screen equivalents for the stage absurdisms”(&b{Village Voice})“这种牵强的自负永远不会找到与荒诞戏剧相对应的电影”(乡村之音)继承用法:absurd“ist  n.(名词)adj.(形容词)




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