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单词 glance
释义 glance['glɑ:ns]n. 一瞥, 闪光, 掠过, 辉矿类vi. 扫视, 闪光, 掠过, 提到, 略说vt. 扫视, 反射, 使掠过相关词组:at a glancetake a glance at...have a glance at...glance at... glance 1  glance 1  AHD:  [gl²ns] D.J.  [gl#ns]K.K.  [gl#ns]v.(动词)  glanced,, v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To direct the gaze briefly:粗略地看一下:glance at the menu; glanced in the rearview mirror.粗略地看了一下菜单;扫了一下反视镜2. To move rapidly from one thing to another. Used of the eyes.扫视:迅速从一件东西转向另一件东西,用于眼睛3. To shine briefly; glint.See Synonyms at flash 闪微光;闪烁参见 flash4. To strike a surface at such an angle as to be deflected:掠过,擦过:以一定角度斜击某一表面:A pebble glanced off the windshield.See Synonyms at &b{brush} &+{1}一颗小石子擦过挡风玻璃参见 brush15. To make a passing reference; touch briefly:随便提到;简略地触及:a history course that only glanced at the Korean conflict.一节只简单提到朝鲜战争的历史课及物动词)1. To strike (a surface) at an angle; graze:使擦过,使掠过:以一个角度击(一表面);使擦过:The arrow glanced the target but didn't stick.箭轻擦过目标但是却没有固定住2. To cause to strike a surface at an angle:擦过:使以一个角度击打一表面:glanced a stone off the wall.使一块石头擦过墙壁n.(名词)1. A brief or cursory look:浏览:粗略的或仓促的看:gave the paper a glance before breakfast.在早餐之前浏览一下报纸2. A quick flash of light; a gleam.光的极快闪烁;闪光3. An oblique movement following impact; a deflection:歪斜,一掠:带来冲击的倾斜运动;歪斜,偏斜:The car struck the barrier and went off at a glance.汽车撞上了栏杆并斜冲了出去习惯用语:at first glance  On initial consideration:在最初考虑上:At first glance the plan seemed unworkable.乍一看此计划好象不可行语源:1. Middle English glauncen 中古英语 glauncen 2. alteration  influenced by glenten [to shine] * see  ghel- 2 受 glenten的影响 [闪烁] *参见 ghel- 23. of glacen glacen的变化 4. from Old French glacer [to slide] * see  glacis 源自 古法语 glacer [滑,滑过] *参见 glacis glance 2  glance 2  AHD:  [gl²ns] D.J.  [gl#ns]K.K.  [gl#ns]n.(名词)Any of various minerals that have a brilliant luster:硫化矿物:一种含有丰富的硫的矿物:silver glance.银硫语源:1. German Glanz 德语 Glanz 2. from Middle High German glanz 源自 中古高地德语 glanz 3. from Old High German [bright] * see  ghel- 2源自 古高地德语 [光亮的] *参见 ghel- 2




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