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单词 amplification
释义 amplification[,æmplifi'keiʃən]n. 扩大, 放大【化】 放大; 放大作用【医】 放大, 扩大【经】 增长幅度 amplification  AHD:  [²m”pl…-f¹-k³“sh…n] D.J.  [7#mpl*f!6ke!.*n]K.K.  [7#mpl*f!6ke.*n]n.(名词)1. The act or result of amplifying, enlarging, or extending.扩大,放大:放大、扩大或展开的行为或结果2. An addition to or expansion of a statement or idea.扩充,引申:对一个论断或看法的补充或扩展3. A statement with such an addition.详述:展开的陈述4. Physics 【物理学】 5. The process of increasing the magnitude of a variable quantity, especially the magnitude of voltage, power, or current, without altering any other quality.放大,放大率:可变量增大的过程,尤指电压、电力或电流的增大,不改变其它特性6. The result of such a process.放大过程的结果7. Electronics See  gain 1【电子学】 参见  gain1




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