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单词 infinite
释义 infinite['infinit]n. 无限, 神a. 无穷的, 无限的, 极大的【医】 无限的 infinite  AHD:  [¹n“f…-n¹t] D.J.  [6!nf*n!t]K.K.  [6!nf*n!t]adj.(形容词)1. Having no boundaries or limits.无限的,无穷的2. Immeasurably great or large; boundless:巨大的;无穷无尽的:infinite importance.非常重要3. Mathematics 【数学】 4. Existing beyond or being greater than any arbitrarily large value.无穷大的:比任意大的数都要大的数5. Unlimited in spatial extent.无限延伸的,无穷的:在空间范围上无限大的6. Of or relating to a set capable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with a proper subset of itself.无穷集的:能与自身的一个子集发生一一对应的集的,与其有关的n.(名词)Something infinite.无限之物语源:1. Middle English infinit 中古英语 infinit 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin &9{ºnf&9{º}n&9{º}tus} 源自 拉丁语 &9{ºnf&9{º}n&9{º}tus} 4. in- [not] * see  in- 1in- [不] *参见 in-15. f&9{ºn&9{º}tus} [finite] [from past participle of] f&9{º}n&9{º}re [to limit] * see  finite f&9{ºn&9{º}tus} [确定的]  [] 源自f&9{º}n&9{º}re的过去分词 [限制] *参见 finite继承用法:in“finitely  adv.(副词)in“finiteness  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. infinite,boundless,eternal,illimitable,sempiternal2. The central meaning shared by these adjectives is “being without beginning or end”: 这些形容词共同的中心意思是“无始无终地存在”: sempiternal truth. See also Synonyms at  &b{incalculable} &b{finite} 永恒的真理 参见同义词 incalculablefinite用法:Infinite is sometimes grouped with absolute terms such asunique,  absolute,  and omnipotent,  since in its strict mathematical sense it allows no degree modification or comparison;one quantity cannot be more infinite than another (though technically one infinite set can be larger than another).Unlike other absolute terms, however,infinite also does not permit modification by adverbs such as nearly  and almost;  mathematically, infinity is not approached by degrees.In nontechnical usage, of course,infinite is often used metaphorically to refer simply to an unimaginably large degree or amount, and here the comparison of the word is unexceptionable: Infinite 有时被一些表示绝对意义的词修饰, 如unique , absolute 和 omnipotent , 由于在其严格的数学意义上它不允许表示程度的修饰或比较,一个数不可能比另一个数“更加无穷大”(虽然以技术上讲一个无穷集可以比另一个集更大)。但是,与其它表示绝对意义的词不同,infinite 也不能用 nearly 和 almost 这一类副词来修饰; 以数学上讲,无穷大是不能逐步接近的。当然,在非技术性的用法中,infinite 常常隐喻地仅指明一个难以想象的大程度或数量, 在这种用法下,仍然不能使用比较: Listening to the late quartets on that little gramophone, I experienced the most infinite musical joy that I have ever known. See Usage Note at &b{unique} 在留声机上听了最新的四重奏后,我经历了在欣赏音乐中前听未有的巨大的快乐 参见 unique




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