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单词 animal
释义 animal['æniməl]n. 动物【医】 动物 animal  an.i.mal  AHD:  [²n“…-m…l] D.J.  [6#n*m*l]K.K.  [6#n*m*l]n.(名词)1. A multicellular organism of the kingdom Animalia, differing from plants in certain typical characteristics such as capacity for locomotion, nonphotosynthetic metabolism, pronounced response to stimuli, restricted growth, and fixed bodily structure.动物:动物界中的多细胞生物,某些典型特征与植物不同,如有运动能力,能进行非光合作用的新陈代谢,能对刺激产生有声反应,有限制的生长和固定的身体结构2. An animal organism other than a human being, especially a mammal.兽,牲畜:不包括人在内的动物,尤指哺乳动物3. A person who behaves in a bestial or brutish manner.畜生般的人,残暴的人:行为象畜生或行为残暴的人4. A human being considered with respect to his or her physical, as opposed to spiritual, nature.兽性,动物性:一个人身体方面的特性,与精神和性情相对的方面5. A person having a specified aptitude or set of interests:与众不同的人,奇特的事物:具有独特才能和兴趣爱好的人:“that rarest of musical animals, an instrumentalist who is as comfortable on a podium with a stick as he is playing his instrument”(&b{Lon Tuck})“那个优秀的擅长音乐的人,他在指挥台上挥动指挥棒和他演奏乐器一样如醉如痴”(朗·塔克)adj.(形容词)1. Relating to, characteristic of, or derived from an animal or animals:动物的:有关动物的,有动物特征的,或由动物得出的:animal fat.动物脂肪2. Relating to the physical as distinct from the spiritual nature of people:人的动物性的:有关人的身体的,与精神特性不同的:animal instincts and desires.See Synonyms at &b{brute} 动物本能和欲望参见 brute语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Latin 源自 拉丁语 3. from anim³le [neuter of] anim³lis [living] 源自 anim³le  [] anim³lis的中性 [活着的] 4. from anima [soul] * see  an…- 源自 anima [灵魂,精神] *参见 an…-




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