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单词 ante meridiem
释义 ante meridiem午前 ante meridiem  an.te me.rid.i.em  AHD:  [²n”t¶ m…-r¹d“¶-…m] D.J.  [7#nti8 m*6r!di8*m]K.K.  [7#nti m*6r!di*m]adv.(副词)adj.Abbr. A.M.,a.m.,a.m.  (形容词)缩写 A.M.,a.m.,a.m.  Before noon. Used chiefly in the abbreviated form to specify the hour:上午:午前。主要用缩写形式标明时刻:10:30&b{a.m.} ; an &b{a.m.}  appointment. 10:30上午 ;一个 上午的 约会 语源:1. Latin ante [before] 拉丁语 ante [在…以前] 2. meridiem [accusative of] meridi¶s [noon] meridiem  [] meridi¶s的宾格 [中午] 用法:Strictly speaking,12 a.m.   denotes midnight, and12 p.m.   denotes noon, but there is sufficient confusion over these uses to make it advisable to use12 noon  and 12 midnight   where clarity is required. 严格地说,12 a.m  表示午夜, 10 p.m.  表示中午, 这些用法已引起很多混乱,故最好用12 noon 和 12 midnight , 这样就清楚了




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