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单词 lick
释义 lick[lik]n. 舔, 少许, 打vt. 舔, 卷过, 鞭打vi. 轻轻拍打相关词组:at a great licklick offtake a lick of lick  lick  AHD:  [l¹k] D.J.  [l!k]K.K.  [l!k]v.(动词)  licked,,licks及物动词)1. To pass the tongue over or along:舔:在…之上或沿着…舔:lick a stamp.舔一张邮票2. To lap up.舔食3. To lap or flicker at like a tongue:轻拍,轻打:象舌头一样轻拍或摆动:The waves licked the sides of the boat.浪花轻拍着小舟的船舷4. Slang To punish with a beating; thrash.【俚语】 揍:以揍来惩罚;揍打5. Slang To get the better of; defeat:【俚语】 占上风;打败:licked her weight problem.克服她的体重问题v.intr.(不及物动词)To pass or lap quickly and rapidly:吞,卷:急速地经过或拍打:The flames licked at our feet.火苗朝我们脚下卷了过来n.(名词)1. The act or process of licking.舔:舔的动作或过程2. A small quantity; a bit:少量;一点儿:hasn't got a lick of common sense.没有一丁点儿常识3. A deposit of exposed natural salt that is licked by passing animals.盐碱地:裸露有天然盐的地方,路过的动物常去舔食4. A sudden hard stroke; a blow.猛击;打击5. Informal Speed; pace:【非正式用语】 速度;步速:moving along at a good lick.移动得很快6. Music A phrase improvised by a soloist, especially on the guitar or banjo.【音乐】 小过门:一段由独奏演员即兴创作的乐句,尤指在吉它或班卓琴上完成的习惯用语:lick and a promise  A superficial effort made without care or enthusiasm.草率的努力:草率地或毫无热情地做出的表面上的努力lick into shape【非正式用语】  To bring into satisfactory condition or appearance.使成形,使象样:把某物整理好或使某物外形美观lick (one's) chops  To anticipate delightedly.高兴地期待lick (one's) wounds  To recuperate after a defeat.从挫折中恢复语源:1. Middle English licken 中古英语 licken 2. from Old English liccian * see  leigh- 源自 古英语 liccian *参见 leigh- 继承用法:lick“er  n.(名词)




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