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单词 manage
释义 manage['mænidʒ]vi. 处理vt. 管理, 控制, 维持, 达成, 经营, 运用【经】 经营, 管理 manage  man.age  AHD:  [m²n“¹j] D.J.  [6m#n!d9]K.K.  [6m#n!d9]v.(动词)  man.aged,,及物动词)1. To direct or control the use of; handle:操纵:指导或控制…的使用;处理:manage a complex machine tool.控制复杂的机器用具2. To exert control over:控制,利用:“Managing the news . . . is the oldest game in town”(&b{James Reston})“A major crisis to be managed loomed on the horizon”(&b{Time})“箝制言论是城镇中最古老的手段”(詹姆斯·赖斯顿)“极需控制的危机已迫在眉睫”(时代)3. To make submissive to one's authority, discipline, or persuasion.驾驭:使…服从于某人的权威、纪律或劝告4. To direct the affairs or interests of:管理,经营:掌管其事务或利益:manage a company; an agency that manages performers.See Synonyms at &b{conduct} 管理公司;管理艺人事业的经纪公司参见 conduct5. To succeed in accomplishing or achieving, especially with difficulty; contrive or arrange:设法做到,努力完成:最终达到目的或完成任务的,尤指困难地设法或安排:managed to get a promotion.设法得到晋升v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To direct or conduct business affairs.管理:掌管或处理商务事务2. To continue to get along; carry on:应付:继续维持;维持进行:learning how to manage on my own.学习如何自力更生语源:1. Italian maneggiare 意大利语 maneggiare 2. from Vulgar Latin *manidi³re 源自 俗拉丁语 *manidi³re 3. from Latin manus [hand] * see  man- 2源自 拉丁语 manus [手] *参见 man- 2




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