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单词 -mer
释义 -mer  -mer  suff.(后缀)Variant of -mere -mere的变体 mer- 1  mer-  pref.(前缀)Variant of mero- mero-的变体 mer- 2  派生:1. Important derivatives are: nightmare,mortar,mordant,morsel,remorse,morbid,murder,mortal,mortuary,mortgage,mortify,postmortem,ambrosia重要派生词为: nightmare,mortar,mordant,morsel,remorse,morbid,murder,mortal,mortuary,mortgage,mortify,postmortem,ambrosia2. To rub away, harm.擦掉, 伤害.3. nightmare , from Old English  mare , mære , goblin, incubus, from Germanic  *mar½n- , goblin. nightmare , 源自 古英语  mare , mære , 恶鬼, 梦魇, 源自 日耳曼语  *mar½n- ,   小妖精. 4. marasmus ; amaranth , from Greek  marainein , to waste away, wither. marasmus ; amaranth , 源自 希腊语  marainein , 荒芜, 枯萎. 5. Probably suffixed zero-grade form*m&9{—- to-} , “ground down.” mortar , from Latin  mort³rium , mortar. 可能为添加后缀的零级形式*m&9{—- to-} , “落下.” mortar , 源自 拉丁语  mort³rium , 研钵. 6. Possibly extended root*merd- . mordacious , mordant , mordent , morsel ; premorse , remorse , from Latin  mord¶re , to bite. 可能为衍生词根*merd- . mordacious , mordant , mordent , morsel ; premorse , remorse , 源自 拉丁语  mord¶re , 叮咬,刺激. 7. Possibly suffixed form*mor-bho- . morbid , from Latin  morbus , disease (but this is more likely of unknown origin). 可能为添加后缀的形式*mor-bho- . morbid , 源自 拉丁语  morbus , 疾病(但这很可能起源不明). 8. Possibly the same root, but more likely distinct, is*mer- , “to die,” with derivatives referring to death and to human beings as subject to death. 可能字根相同, 但很可能不同, 即*mer- , “死亡,消逝,” 和表示死亡和作为死亡对象的人类的派生词. 9. Zero-grade form*m&9{—-} . 零级形式*m&9{—-} . 10. suffixed form*m&9{—-tro-} . murder , from Old English  morthor , murder, from Germanic  suffixed form *mur-thra- ; 添加后缀的形式*m&9{—-tro-} . murder , 源自 古英语  morthor , 谋杀, 源自 日耳曼语  添加后缀的形式 *mur-thra- ; 11. suffixed form*m&9{—-ti-} . mort 1 , mortal ; amortize , mortify , postmortem , from Latin  mors  (stem mort- ), death; 添加后缀的形式*m&9{—-ti-} . mort 1 , mortal ; amortize , mortify , postmortem , 源自 拉丁语  mors  (字干 mort- ), 死亡; 12. suffixed form*m&9{—-yo-} . moribund , mortuary , murrain , mortgage , ( mortmain ), from Latin  mor&9{º} , to die, with irregular past participle mortuus  (N *m&9{—-two-} ), replacing older *m&9{—-to-}  (for which see d ); 添加后缀的形式*m&9{—-yo-} . moribund , mortuary , murrain , mortgage , ( mortmain ), 源自 拉丁语  mor&9{º} , 死, 和不规则的过去分词 mortuus  (N *m&9{—-two-} ), 取代年长的 *m&9{—-to-}  (对此可参见 d ); 13. prefixed and suffixed form*&9{ö-m&9{—}-to-} , “undying, immortal.” ( *&9{ö-} , negative prefix; see ne ). 添加前缀和后缀的形式*&9{ö-m&9{—}-to-} , “不死的, 永远的.” ( *&9{ö-} , 否定前缀; 参见 ne). 14. immortal , from Latin  immort³lis ; immortal , 源自 拉丁语  immort³lis ; 15. ambrosia , from Greek  ambrotos , immortal, divine ( a-  &9{ÿ} -mbrotos , brotos , mortal); ambrosia , 源自 希腊语  ambrotos , 神的, 神圣的 ( a-  &9{ÿ} -mbrotos , brotos , 凡人); 16. amrita , from Sanskrit  am&9{•tam} , immortality ( a-  &9{ÿ} m&9{•ta-} , dead). amrita , 源自 梵语  am&9{•tam} , 不朽( a-  &9{ÿ} m&9{•ta-} , 死的). 17. Suffixed o-grade form*mor-t-yo- . manticore , from Greek  mantikh½ras  (corrupted from martiokh½ras ), manticore, probably from Iranian  compound *martiya-khv³ra- , “man-eater” ( *khv³ra- , eating; see swel- ), from Old Persian  martiya- , a mortal man. 添加后缀的O级形式*mor-t-yo- . manticore , 源自 希腊语  mantikh½ras  (讹用于 martiokh½ras ), 预言的, 可能源自 伊朗语 复合词 *martiya-khv³ra- , “吃人者” ( *khv³ra- , 吃; 参见 swel-), 源自 古波斯语  martiya- , 凡人. 语源:Pokorny 4.mer- , 5. mer-  735. 波科尔尼4.mer- , 5. mer-  735.  mer.  mer.  abbr.(略语)Meridian. Meridian.




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