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单词 submit
释义 submit[səb'mit]vt. 使服从, 使受到, 委托, 提交, 认为vi. 屈服, 服从【经】 提交, 提出相关词组:submit sth to sbsubmit sb to submit  AHD:  [s…b-m¹t“] D.J.  [s*b6m!t]K.K.  [s*b6m!t]v.(动词),,sub.mits及物动词)1. To yield or surrender (oneself) to the will or authority of another:使屈服:使(自己)服从于别人的意志或权威:“Nothing but contempt is due to those people who ask us to submit to unmerited oppression”(&b{Christabel Pankhurst})“对于那些要求我们服从我们不能受之压迫的人,我们有的只是轻蔑”(克赖斯塔伯·潘克赫斯特)2. To subject to a condition or process.使经受3. To commit (something) to the consideration or judgment of another.See Synonyms at propose 使听从,使受…摆布:将(某事)交于某人来考虑或判断参见 propose4. To offer as a proposition or contention:将…作为意见提出:I submit that the terms are entirely unreasonable.我认为这些名称是完全不合理的v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To give in to the authority, power, or desires of another.See Synonyms at yield 服从:服从别人的权威、权力或欲望参见 yield2. To allow oneself to be subjected to something.使某人屈服于某物语源:1. Middle English submitten 中古英语 submitten 2. from Latin submittere [to set under] 源自 拉丁语 submittere [置于…之下] 3. sub- [sub-] sub- [前缀,表“在…之下”] 4. mittere [to cause to go] mittere [使离开] 继承用法:submit“tal  AHD:  [-m¹t“l] (名词)submit“ter  n.(名词)




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