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单词 sympathetic
释义 sympathetic[,simpə'θetik]a. 有同情心的, 合意的, 赞成的n. 交感神经, 容易感受的人【医】 交感神经的, 交感的, 同感的【经】 同情的 sympathetic  AHD:  [s¹m”p…-thµt“¹k] D.J.  [7s!mp*6Get!k]K.K.  [7s!mp*6GWt!k]adj.(形容词)1. Of, expressing, feeling, or resulting from sympathy:同情的:同情的、表示同情的、有同情心的或出于同情的:a sympathetic glance.同情的一瞥2. Favorably inclined:赞同的:not at all sympathetic to her proposal.一点也不赞同她的建议3. Agreeably suited to one's disposition or mood; congenial:和谐的,合意的:与某人的性情或情绪相符合的;意气相投的:sympathetic surroundings.合意的环境4. Of, relating to, or acting on the sympathetic nervous system:交感神经的,交感性的:交感神经的、与交感神经相关的或作用于交感神经的:a sympathetic neuron; sympathetic stimulation.交感神经细胞;交感神经兴奋5. Relating to or being vibrations, especially musical tones, produced in one body by energy from a nearby vibrating body and having the same frequency as the vibration of the nearby body.感应的:关于或属于附近振动体的能量在与某一振动频率相同的物体内产生的振动的,尤指音调6. Emitting such vibrations:和应的:发出该种振动的:sympathetic strings.和应弦语源:1. Greek sumpath¶tikos 希腊语 sumpath¶tikos 2. from sumpatheia [sympathy] * see  sympathy 源自 sumpatheia [同情] *参见 sympathy继承用法:sym”pathet“ically  adv.(副词)




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