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单词 ballast
释义 ballast['bæləst]n. 压载物, 压舱物【经】 底货, 压舱货 ballast  bal.last  AHD:  [b²l“…st] D.J.  [6b#l*st]K.K.  [6b#l*st]n.(名词)1. Heavy material that is placed in the hold of a ship or the gondola of a balloon to enhance stability.压舱物,压载:放在船舱或气球吊篮里以增加稳定性的重物2. Coarse gravel or crushed rock laid to form a bed for roads or railroads.道碴:用来铺公路或铁路路基的粗砂砾或碎石3. The gravel ingredient of concrete.石碴:组成混凝土的砂料4. Something that gives stability, especially in character.稳定因素:表明稳定性的因素,尤指在性格方面及物动词)  bal.last.ed,,bal.lasts 1. To stabilize or provide with ballast.用压载物来稳定或支撑2. To fill (a railroad bed) with or as if with ballast.铺沙石:用或似用沙石铺(铁路路基)语源:1. Perhaps from Old Swedish 可能源自 古瑞典语 2. or Old Danish barlast 或 古丹麦语 barlast 3. bar [mere, bare] * see  bhoso- bar [仅仅的,仅有的] *参见 bhoso- 4. last [load] last [载重]




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