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单词 tautology
释义 tautology[tɒ:'tɒlədʒi]n. 同义反复, 赘述, 重言式【计】 重言式 tautology  AHD:  [tô-t¼l“…-j¶] D.J.  [t%86tKl*d9i8]K.K.  [t%6t$l*d9i]n.(名词)  【复数】 tau.tol.o.gies 1. Needless repetition of the same sense in different words; redundancy.同义反复:对同一意思使用不同的词进行的不必要的重复;赘言2. An instance of such repetition.冗词赘语:这种同义反复的一个实例3. Logic An empty or vacuous statement composed of simpler statements in a fashion that makes it logically true whether the simpler statements are factually true or false; for example, the statementEither it will rain tomorrow or it will not rain tomorrow.  【逻辑学】 重言式:由更简单的陈述句以一定方式组成的无意义的或空洞的陈述以使其在逻辑上正确,无论这更简单的陈述是正确的或错误的;例如,陈述句明天要么下雨要么不下雨  语源:1. Late Latin tautologia 后期拉丁语 tautologia 2. from Greek 源自 希腊语 3. from tautologos [redundant] 源自 tautologos [冗余的] 4. tauto- [tauto-] tauto- [相同] 5. logos [saying] * see  -logy logos [谚语] *参见 -logy继承用法:tau”tolog“ical  AHD:  [tôt”l-¼j“¹-k…l]  或 tau”to.log“ic [-¹k] (形容词)tau”tolog“ically  adv.(副词)




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