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单词 version
释义 version['və:ʒən]n. 一种描述, 版本, 译文【计】 版本【化】 变型; 改型【医】 [胎位]倒转术, [子宫]倾侧(如前倾、后倾、侧倾等) version  ver.sion  AHD:  [vûr“zh…n, -sh…n] D.J.  [6vT89*n, -.*n]K.K.  [6vP9*n, -.*n]n.Abbr. ver.,v.(名词)缩写 ver.,v.1. A description or an account from one point of view, especially as opposed to another:描述,看法:某人或从某一角度的一种描述或者说法,特别是与另一种相对立的:Your version of the accident differs from mine.你对这件事故的叙述与我的不同2. A translation from another language.翻译:另一种语言的翻译3. Often Version A translation of the entire Bible or a part of it.常作 Version 译本:整个圣经的或者部分的译文4. A particular form or variation of an earlier or original type:某种形式:早先或者起初形式的一种变体:a modern version of the one-room schoolhouse.只有一个房间的校舍的改良式5. An adaptation of a work of art or literature into another medium or style:版本:一件文学或艺术作品向另一种媒介或形式的改编:the film version of a famous novel.根据一本名著改编的电影6. Medicine 【医学】 7. Manipulation of a fetus in the uterus to bring it into a desirable position for delivery.胎位倒转:为了生育把子宫内的胎儿弄到有利的位置8. Deflection of an organ, such as the uterus, from its normal position.倒转术:使一个器官,比如子宫的以前的位置发生倒转语源:1. French 法语 2. from Old French [act of turning] 源自 古法语 [旋转的动作] 3. from Medieval Latin versi½  versi½n- 源自 中世纪拉丁语 versi½  versi½n- 4. from Latin versus [past participle of] vertere [to turn] * see  wer- 2源自 拉丁语 versus  [] vertere的过去分词 [旋转] *参见 wer- 2继承用法:ver“sional  adj.(形容词)




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