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单词 wimple
释义 wimple['wimpl]vi. 泛细浪vt. 用头巾围, 使泛细浪n. 妇女头巾 wimple  wim.ple  AHD:  [w¹m“p…l] D.J.  [6w!mp*l]K.K.  [6w!mp*l]n.(名词)1. A cloth wound around the head, framing the face, and drawn into folds beneath the chin, worn by women in medieval times and as part of the habit of certain orders of nuns.头巾:围在头周围的一块布,勾勒出脸的形状,下巴下有褶,中世纪时妇女戴的或作为修女习惯装束的一部分2. A fold or pleat in cloth.衣服的皱裥,皱褶3. A ripple, as on the surface of water.(水面上的等)细浪,涟漪4. A curve or bend.弯曲处,拐弯处v.(动词)  wim.pled,wim.pling,wim.ples及物动词)1. To cover with or dress in a wimple.用头巾围住,用头巾盖住2. To cause to form folds, pleats, or ripples.使…打褶、起皱或泛起波纹v.intr.(不及物动词)1. Archaic To form or lie in folds.【古语】 起皱褶,在皱褶中2. To ripple.起涟漪,泛细浪语源:1. Middle English wimpel 中古英语 wimpel 2. from Old English * see  weip- 源自 古英语 *参见 weip-




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