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单词 action
释义 action['ækʃən]n. 行动, 活动, 动作, 作用, 战斗, 行为, 诉讼vt. 对...起诉【计】 方式【化】 作用量【医】 作用; 动作【经】 情势, 起诉, 有限股份, 市场动态相关词组:to put...out of actionto take actionto bring an action against sbto go into actionout of actionin action action  ac.tion  AHD:  [²k“sh…n] D.J.  [6#k.*n]K.K.  [6#k.*n]n.(名词)1. The state or process of acting or doing.行动:行动或做的状态或过程2. A deed.See Usage Note at act 行为参见 act3. A movement or a series of movements.动作:一个动作或一系列动作4. Manner of movement:步态,姿态:动作的样子:a horse with good action; a gearshift with smooth action.步态优美的马;灵敏的变速杆5. Habitual or vigorous activity; energy:活力,精力:习惯性的或充满活力的活动;精力:a woman of action.有活力的妇女6. Often actions Behavior or conduct.常作 actions 行为,举止7. The operating parts of a mechanism.机械装置:机械的操作部件8. The manner in which such parts operate.操作方式:上述部件的操作方式9. A change that occurs in the body or in a bodily organ as a result of its functioning.功能改变:作为身体或身体器官运转的结果而在体内或器官内发生的变化10. A physical change, as in position, mass, or energy, that an object or a system undergoes.物质改变:物体或系统在诸如位置、面积或能量上所产生的物质变化11. The series of events and episodes that form the plot of a story or play.情节:构成故事或戏剧情节的一系列事件或剧集12. The appearance of animation of a figure in painting or sculpture.动态:绘画或雕塑中人物活力的体现13. Law A judicial proceeding whose purpose is to obtain relief at the hands of a court.【法律】 诉讼:旨在从法庭获得赔偿的司法程序14. Armed encounter; combat:作战,战斗:武力冲突;战斗:killed in action.阵亡15. The most important or exciting work or activity in a specific field or area:主要活动;最富刺激性活动:某一特定领域、地区最重要的或最激动人心的工作或活动:always heads for where the action is.总是前往有刺激性活动的地方n.attributive.(定语名词)Often used to modify another noun:动作,武打:常用作修饰另一名词:an action film; action stories.动作片;武打故事




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