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单词 climb
释义 climb[klaim]vt. 攀登, 上升, 爬vi. 攀登, 上升, 爬n. 攀登, 爬升相关词组:climb the riggingclimb to powerclimb down climb  climb  AHD:  [klºm] D.J.  [kla!m]K.K.  [kla!m]v.(动词)  climbed,,climbs及物动词)1. To move upward on or mount, especially by using the hands and feet or the feet alone; ascend:攀登:向上移动或登攀,尤指手脚并用或只用脚;攀升:climb a mountain; climbed the stairs.爬山;爬楼梯2. To grow in an upward direction on or over:攀缘,上升:朝向上的方向生长:ivy climbing the walls.常春藤攀缘在墙上v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To move oneself upward, especially by using the hands and feet.攀登:使自己向上移动,尤指手脚并用2. To rise slowly, steadily, or effortfully; ascend.See Synonyms at rise 上升:缓慢地、稳当地或努力地升起;上升参见 rise3. To move in a specified direction by using the hands and feet:爬:用手和脚向特定的方向移动:climbed down the ladder; climbed out the window.爬下梯子;爬出窗子4. To slant or slope upward:向上倾斜:The road climbs steeply to the top.公路越来越陡地伸向山顶5. To engage in the activity or sport of mountain climbing.参加爬山活动或爬山运动6. To grow in an upward direction, as some plants do, often by means of twining stems or tendrils.攀援向上:朝向上的方向生长,如某些植物,通常以缠绕茎干或卷须向上攀援n.(名词)1. An act of climbing; an ascent:攀登:爬的行动;爬升:a long, exhausting climb to the top.漫长的、使人精疲力尽的通向顶峰的攀登2. A place to be climbed:攀登的地方:The face of the cliff was a steep climb.这面峭壁是险峻的攀登之地语源:1. Middle English climben 中古英语 climben 2. from Old English climban 源自 古英语 climban 继承用法:climb“able  AHD:  [klº“m…-b…l] (形容词)




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