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单词 clunk
释义 clunk[klʌnk]n. 沉闷的金属声vt. 发出沉闷声vi. 发出沉闷声 clunk  clunk  AHD:  [kl¾ngk] D.J.  [klJ0k]K.K.  [klJ0k]n.(名词)1. A dull sound; a thump.沉闷的声音,铿锵声:阴沉的声音;重击2. A blow that produces a dull sound.猛击:使发出沉闷声音的猛烈一击3. Informal A stupid, dull person.【非正式用语】 笨蛋:愚蠢乏味之人v.(动词)  clunked,,clunks v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To make or move with a clunk.发出沉闷声地移动2. To strike something so as to make a dull sound.打击某物以发出沉闷声地及物动词)To strike so as to make a dull sound:打击…使发出沉闷声:“Icy weather affected the clock's mechanism and for several hours Big Ben clunked instead of bonged the time changes”(&b{Christian Science Monitor})“冰冻的天气影响了钟的机械装置,大笨钟好几个小时只发出沉闷的声音而不发出镗镗的表明时间变化的声音”(基督教科学箴言报)语源:[Imitative] [模拟词源]




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