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单词 Negro
释义 Negro 1  Ne.gro  AHD:  [n¶“gr½] D.J.  [6ni8gr*&]K.K.  [6nigro]n.(名词)  【复数】 Ne.groes 1. A member of a major human racial division traditionally distinguished by physical characteristics such as brown to black pigmentation and often tightly curled hair, especially one of various peoples of sub-Saharan Africa.黑人:人类一个主要种族的成员,传统上按身体特征来区分,比如肤色棕色渐黑色,常有紧密的卷发,尤指非洲撒哈拉以南地区的人2. A person of Negro descent:有黑人血统的人:“Discrimination is a hellhound that gnaws at Negroes in every waking moment of their lives to remind them that the lie of their inferiority is accepted as truth in the society dominating them”(&b{Martin Luther King, Jr.})See Usage Note at &b{black} “歧视是地狱之犬,在黑人们醒来后的每时每刻它都在向他们狂吠,提醒他们在这个统治着他们的社会里,他们地位卑下的谎言却被当作真理来接受”(小马丁·路德·金)参见 black语源:1. Spanish 西班牙语 2. Portuguese negro [black, Black person] 葡萄牙语 negro [黑种人,黑人] 3. from Latin niger  nigr- [black] 源自 拉丁语 niger  nigr- [黑人] 继承用法:Ne“gro  adj.(形容词) Negro 2  Ne.gro  AHD:  [n³“gr½, nµ“grô, -gr‹] ,Rio。D.J.  [6ne!gr*&, 6negr%8, -gr&],Rio。K.K.  [6negro, 6nWgr%, -gr&],Rio。NONE(无词性)1. A river rising in central Argentina and flowing about 644 km (400 mi) eastward to the Atlantic Ocean.内格罗河:发源于阿根廷中部,向东注入大西洋的一条流程约644公里(400英里)的河流2. A river rising in southern Brazil and flowing about 805 km (500 mi) generally southwest to the Uruguay River in central Uruguay.内格罗河:发源于巴西南部,大致向西南流到乌拉圭中部汇入乌拉圭河的一条流程约805公里(500英里)的河流3. A river of northwest South America flowing about 2,253 km (1,400 mi) from eastern Colombia to the Amazon River near Manaus, Brazil. Part of its course forms a section of the Colombia-Venezuela border.内格罗河:南美洲西北部的一条河流,流程约2,253公里(1,400英里),从哥伦比亚东部流至巴西马瑙斯附近的亚马孙河。其部分河段是哥伦比亚-委内瑞拉边界的一部分




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