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单词 Barnard
释义 Barnard 1  Bar.nard  AHD:  [bär“n…rd, bär-närd“] Christiaan Neethling (Born 1923) D.J.  [6b$8n*d, b$86n$8d]K.K.  [6b$rn*d, b$r6n$rd]NONE(无词性)South African surgeon who performed the first human heart transplant (1967).巴纳德,克里斯蒂安·尼斯林:(生于 1923) 南非外科大夫,首次作了人类心脏移植手术(1967年) Barnard 2  Bar.nard  AHD:  [bär“n…rd] Edward Emerson (1857-1923) D.J.  [6b$8n*d]K.K.  [6b$rn*d]NONE(无词性)American astronomer and pioneer in photography noted for the discovery of Jupiter's fifth satellite (1892) and Barnard's star (1916), the second-nearest star system to the sun.巴纳德,爱德华·埃默森:(1857-1923) 美国宇航员和摄影技术的先驱。因发现木星的第五颗卫星(1892年)和巴纳德星(1916年)(距太阳第二近的星系)而闻名 Barnard 3  Barnard&B{Frederick Augustus Porter} (&b{1809-1889})  NONE(无词性)American educator and advocate of higher educational opportunities for women. He was the president of Columbia University from 1864 to 1889. Barnard College is named in his honor.巴纳德,弗雷德里克·奥古斯都·波特:(1809-1889) 美国教育家,倡导妇女应享有接受高等教育的机会。从1864到1889年,是哥伦比亚大学的校长。巴纳德学院为纪念他而命名 Barnard 4  Barnard&B{George Grey} (&b{1863-1938})  NONE(无词性)American sculptor whose early works, such asStruggle of Two Natures in Man  (1894), were influenced by Rodin. A colossal statue of Abraham Lincoln (1917) is perhaps his best-known work. 巴纳德,乔治·格雷:(1863-1938) 美国雕塑家,其早期作品受到罗丁的影响,如《人类两种本性的斗争》 (1894年)。亚伯拉罕·林肯的巨大雕像(1917年)可能是其最著名的作品  Barnard 5  Barnard&B{Henry} (&b{1811-1900})  NONE(无词性)American educator who sought higher standards in public schools and was the first U.S. commissioner of education (1867-1870).巴纳德,亨利:(1811-1900) 美国教育家,追求公立学校的更高标准,是美国第一任教育局局长(1867-1870年)




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