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单词 trespass
释义 trespass['trespəs]n. 擅自进入, 非法侵入, 侵害vi. 侵害, 侵入, 打扰, 冒犯【法】 侵犯, 侵害行为, 侵害诉讼相关词组:trespass against sbtrespass on sthtrespass on sb's time trespass  tres.pass  AHD:  [trµs“p…s, -p²s”] D.J.  [6tresp*s, -7p#s]K.K.  [6trWsp*s, -7p#s]AHD:  [trµs“p²s”, -p…s] v.intr.(不及物动词)  tres.passed,, 1. To commit an offense or a sin; transgress or err.冒犯:违法或犯罪;违犯规章或犯错2. Law To commit an unlawful injury to the person, property, or rights of another, with actual or implied force or violence, especially to enter onto another's land wrongfully.【法律】 侵害:用明显或隐蔽的武力或暴力对人、财产或他人的权利实施非法伤害,尤指错误地侵入另一个人的土地3. To infringe on the privacy, time, or attention of another:打扰:侵犯另一个人的隐私、时间或注意力:“I must . . . not trespass too far on the patience of a good-natured critic”(&b{Henry Fielding})“我不能过于挑衅这位善良评论家的耐心”(亨利·菲尔丁)n.(名词)1. Transgression of a moral or social law, code, or duty.违犯道德或社会法规;规范或职责2. Law 【法律】 3. The act of trespassing.侵犯的行为4. A suit brought for trespassing.侵权诉讼:对侵害行为进行的诉讼5. An intrusion or infringement on another.See Synonyms at breach 打扰:对别人的侵入或侵害参见 breach语源:1. Middle English trespassen 中古英语 trespassen 2. from Old French trespasser 源自 古法语 trespasser 3. tres- [over]  from Latin tr³ns- * see  trans- tres- [结束]  源自 拉丁语 tr³ns- *参见 trans-4. passer [to pass] * see  pass passer [经过] *参见 pass继承用法:tres“passer  n.(名词)




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